Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Unni Appam

Years ago when i was a little girl in frocks,i remember my grandma making these soft dumplings.And she used to make them only in coconut oil.That was an era when there was no cholesterol and no diet (atleast i was not aware of those bad stuff.)
Ohh man!! The aroma of coconut with every bite fills your mind before it reaches your tummy.


Raw rice – 1 cup

Jaggery powder-11/2 cup

Ripe bananas-6-7

Cardamom powder- 1tsp

Coconut-1/2 cup


1.Soak rice for 5 hours. Strain from water and allow it to dry a little(take care it doesn’t become completely dry).Now powder it fine using the small jar of your mixie,Need not sieve it,let it has a few grains here and there.

2.Meanwhile add ½ cup water to the jaggery powder and allow it do melt in a low flame,Remove this from fire once the mixture rises to the top of the vessel.

3.Mash the bananas finely in the mixie,Bananas which are naturally a bit sour is preferable.

4.Cut coconut pieces ,fry them in ghee and keep aside.

5.Mix rice powder, thick jaggery solution, mashed bananas, fried coconuts ,and mix the batter to a dripping

6.Pour spoonfuls in hot oil and wait till it turns golden and gets cooked till the core.

7..To get a perfect shape use the “kuli paniyaram chatti”,i've used

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